The Ontario Newspapers Awards has a motto that is as true today as it was 60 years ago: We’re definitely not the NNAs.

For decades the ONAs have been known as one of the best parties in the business, mostly as a result of the smokey refreshment-fuelled after parties that burn and choke their way into the morning hours.ONA-2012-1

Dozens of awards are handed out to reward the province’s top journalists.

And, while there is lots of applause there are no lengthy speeches, just lots of shop talk and good cheer.

We all know what happens when the night slows down – the inevitable question percolating throughout the room – Got any tickets left for the bar? Where is everybody going? Where is the after party? What’s the room number?

Ah, the ONAs, a unique, folksy celebration of writers, editors and photographers who are as artful in creating a good night out as they are in their craft in print and online journalism.

OK, enough of the clicking typewriter and the ticka ticka ticka of the old Remington or Olivetti.

This year, the event takes place May 3, 2014 at the Sheraton Hotel in Hamilton.

Tickets can be purchased by contacting Rosie Grover at the Hamilton Spectator:


If you are interested in staying the night at the Sheraton, book now. Below is the hotel contact information. Please note that rooms are not covered by the ONAs but you may reserve under the ONA block of rooms.

Sheraton Hotel
116 King Street West Hamilton, ON L8P 4V3

Get ready for the 60th